Dear Fielding Community,

The images and news coming from Ukraine are deeply troubling. As a global community, we stand in support of peace for this region. We have many community members who are from, or share heritage with Russia and Ukraine. We stand in support of those in our university community who are affected by these events. Our thoughts are with those who have connections to the region and are undoubtedly concerned about their families and loved ones throughout this crisis.

During this challenging time, we encourage faculty members, students, and staff to reach out to the following services:

As the world continues to grapple with large geopolitical issues, we remain steadfast in our commitment to honor the humanity of everyone, and in so doing, we recognize that coming together as a community in support of one another is one way to address the challenges that confront us as a global society.

In Spirit,

Allison Davis-White Eyes, Ph.D.

Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

About the Author: Allison Davis-White Eyes

Dr. Davis-White Eyes earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in American History), and her Master of Arts from UCLA in American Indian Studies with a specific focus on History and Law. In addition, Allison earned her Ph.D. from OSU in Adult Higher Education with an emphasis on International Education. Currently, Dr. Davis-White Eyes is affiliate faculty within the School of Public Policy and the School of Language, Culture, and Society. Her research areas of interest include post-colonial cosmopolitanism, subaltern research ethics and decolonizing methodologies, mobilities of culture and identity, queering of identity and space, as well as intersectionality in theory and organizational praxis.

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