Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D.

Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D.

The Board of Trustees Chair Gary Wagenheim, Ph.D., and Vice Chair Karin Bunnell, Ph.D., have announced that President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., will retire at the conclusion of her contract on January 31, 2025. Following her retirement, President Rogers will rejoin the Fielding faculty.

As the longest-serving President of Fielding Graduate University, Dr. Rogers has guided the institution through significant higher education challenges. The Board expresses deep appreciation for her steadfast leadership and compassionate guidance. President Rogers’ decision to retire has been influenced by personal losses she has endured in recent years.

“Katrina has been a joy to work with during my many years on the board,” said Board Chair Wagenheim. “She is always professional, sensitive, prepared, and the hardest worker I have ever encountered in my many years as a professor in higher education. She has the unique ability to see the big picture while never losing sight of the individual student or faculty member. I am sad to see her era as Fielding’s president end, and, at the same time, excited to see what’s next for Fielding.”

During her tenure, President Rogers achieved several notable milestones:

  • Doubling the university’s endowment funds, demonstrating her exceptional financial stewardship.
  • Securing the largest philanthropic gifts in Fielding’s history, significantly enhancing resources for the library and scholarships.
  • Expanding academic programs, including the introduction of a doctorate in infant and early childhood development, a significant achievement for the institution.
  • Establishing the university’s first Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, underscoring Fielding’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.
  • Successfully navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating resilience and strategic leadership.

“It has been an honor to serve as President of Fielding Graduate University,” Dr. Rogers said. “I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together and deeply grateful for the support of the entire Fielding community. As I move into this next chapter, I am excited to continue contributing to Fielding’s mission in a role that is very dear to my heart – teaching.”

In accordance with standard practices in higher education, President Rogers has provided ample notice to ensure a smooth transition.

The Board will form a search committee representing the diverse community to begin the process of finding her successor.

Together with her late husband, Dr. William (W.A. Bill) Cherry, President Rogers established the President Katrina S. Rogers Faculty Research Endowment. This endowment supports collaborative research projects between faculty and students. You can contribute to the endowment in her honor at giving.fielding.edu or by contacting Development Manager Marlen Bautista at giving@fielding.edu or 805.898.4029.

Celebrations will be held online and in Santa Barbara to thank President Rogers for her service to Fielding. If you wish to reach out to her with personal wishes, please email president@fielding.edu. For media inquiries or other questions, please email communications@fielding.edu.

About the Author: Fielding News

Stories about people, issues, research, and innovation across the Fielding global community as reported by the Fielding News Team.

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