Maura Abernethy - testimonial

The Fielding EBC program provided a range of experiences: academic-focused reading and reflection; hands-on coaching and feedback; peer and cohort faculty conversations. Each experience provided an opportunity for me to absorb perspectives, reflect on my coaching skills, and integrate new ways of thinking into my coaching practice. For me, the hands-on coaching was invaluable for learning “how” to coach while integrating some of the many concepts and theories we explored in our classes.

Maura Abernethy, Evidence Based Coach
Fayth Brice - testimonial

I am so glad that I listened to all of the wonderful things I heard about the Fielding EBC program and enrolled. My life has been forever changed by the program, faculty, peers, and experiences. Fielding was the missing piece to my coaching puzzle, and I will use all I’ve learned to continue to grow as a coach.

Fayth Brice
Emily Peck - testimonial

My journey through the EBC Program has been a powerful, transformational experience. I have acquired and integrated evidence-based coaching knowledge on the level of mind, body, and spirit. I have developed skills which unlock awareness and agency in both myself and others. I have discovered new purpose, meaning, and direction in life through coaching, through a process of unfolding awareness and potential.

I am moving on from the EBC Program with broad and deep knowledge of evidence-based coaching developed through lived experience in relationship with my peers, colleagues, and the faculty at Fielding, as well as through my coach-client relationships.

Emily Peck, Evidence Based Coach
Orlando Taylor Award Ad

Orlando Taylor Award Ad

Join Us on Thursday, November 17, 2022 @ 11AM EST!

Distinguished Senior Advisor to President Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D., is the 2022 recipient of the Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation. Join the Advisory Council of the Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership & Education in celebrating Dr. Taylor and his lifetime achievements in advancing equal educational access and success of diverse students. 

The medal presentation will take place virtually on November 17, 2022, at 11 am EST (1 hour) and will be live-streamed on Fielding’s YouTube channel at Please direct questions to 

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